It is the ninth day of 2012. Everything seems to be alright at the moment. But who knows what will happen next, right?
The first week of January was quite busy. Many things need to be settled. New management, new people with different opinions and ideas. I am still catching up with those people. Sometimes I do feel tense but life goes on. I do feel stupid and what so ever. However, there are people who I love most always stand beside me. Thank you.
I love ocean. For me it is a very good therapy. A nice place to hide oneself from the crazy town and work. Just like Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own'. Everyone needs a private space for himself or herself. A therapy ^^
Other than the ocean, I love hanging out with my friend, Fiza. She is a very good friend of mine. Love you. Meeting with your friends is a good therapy too. Well, it works for me!

chocolate chips
kamu, knowing you is one of the precious moments in my life. ^^
hai dill
seronok kan, kalau tension, g berjumpa dgn bff and have fun a bit.
oh.. an ice cream is always a treat too!
aiskrim itu sudah cukup menggambarkan segalanya tentang terapi Dill. semoga terus jalani hidup dengan indah. ;)
robin hood
ice cream! saya mau yg itu...yumyum
best kan Dill kuar kawan lama lepas tnsn sambil mkn aiskrim.aja skang pun agak2 tnsn psl nak kwn, ptg2 kuar jogging pastu mkn a.krim...ehh lari tajuk ehh...hiihihih
:) percaya kamu sentiasa kuat utk hadapi semua cabaran, sentiasa doakan kamu :)
i love ocean too..
dulu2, mama selalu bawa bercuti dekat laut..:)
aiskrim, sememangnye adalah terapi yg bagus..:)
sedapnya.nak semua boleh? hehe dill jom g mancing.
"kamu, knowing you is one of the precious moments in my life. ^^"
":) percaya kamu sentiasa kuat utk hadapi semua cabaran, sentiasa doakan kamu :)"
JELES... hohohohoho...
knowing you is one of the precious moments in my life also... hehehe
virginia woolf? seriously? I'm a huge fan too, love her mrs dalloway.
seem like u had ur ais krim... yummy
and i love ocean too, can't wait to go there and read books
aiskrim dan coklat adalah terapi utkku
hanging out with friends is indeed a good theraphy!
chocolate and ice cream helps too!
jom tengok muvee ! ahahahaha
wahh mkn BR!hee..
dill meh la dtg umah kalo nk pizza ;p
frens..syg my frens jgk ^_^
mn awk tahu?hahha..
dill awk ipg juga ke???
baik ckppppp..heee
dapat ni sedap ni
kamu kamu kamu..jeng2~
tunggu sy di sana ya!~ ^^
singgah dari belog sal ijou
kamu dill, tunggu aku bulan februari.
hm..penah gak try coklat chip nih p rasa die lebih kepada vanila kan..
tapi aku suka lagi baskin robbin drpd ocean hahahaha
seronok kan bila ada kawan yang memahami.
tapi addin mungkin takda :(