Friday, February 13, 2009

endless journey

I am so tired right now:yawn:. Our team have to settle various tasks within this week. Today, my boss, Loges and I counted rice bags and milk powder for our own stock take. Manually. We moved around and counted them one by one:puppyeyes:. Man, that was tiring:sigh:.

Recently, I am always sleepy. Almost everyday after work, I want to close my eyes and sleep. But, I can't. If I follow my desire to sleep, I will only get up at 6am, the next morning. Haha! :ahaha:. My Opah also does not allow me to sleep at dawn. And before this, I heard somebody told me, we cannot sleep after 'Asr prayer because we may become crazy or mad. So, don't sleep at that time, ya?takbole

When I am at my grandparents' or my parents' house, I can online almost everyday:woooh:. I am so happy. Thank you to all my friends who always be there for me when I want to talk. Thanks Wani and Aiman. You guys rock!:okay:. Sori sebab slalu pm korangsengihnampakgigi