Life is a process of learning.
We learned a lot of things since we were babies. And of course until now we are still learning. Including me. I am still learning from everyone I meet and talk. It does not mean that when you reach a certain age you are already extraordinary bombastic person in life.
Experiences count.

credit to Google.
I learned a lot from my family. I learned a lot from my 'children'. I learned a lot from my colleagues. I learned a lot from my friends.
Every advice I received, I try to instill it in my heart and soul. Did you do the same as I do?
I am just an ordinary person. Just one of His servants in this lifetime. Please do not hesitate to talk with me about anything. Ops. Before that, it is not highly recommended for you to talk about dirty things. I hate them so much. It can make me puke. Seriously.
I am just an ordinary person. Do not feel so downgraded when you see me around, virtually and reality or when you are talking with me.
I am just a Pathetic. Schema. Old School. Noob. Person. Haha! So, Hello!
semua manusia tak perfect (:
1 je..pengalaman. :)
eleh... merendah diri lak...
people start to learn before success. keep it up!
belajar drpd kesilapan..eik!! tetiba :P
keep learning, learning & learning again. never stop till the end of the day.
sometimes i can be sooo damn pathetic..n blurr..(--")..huhuh..
but ya, life is a learning process..keep digging..keep going~
im weirdo.=(
everyday is a learning process. formal & informal.
*anybody willing to teach me how to fight my driving phobia? komeng aaaaa...!!
Life... Its about wide thingggg.. Cant b dscribed perfectly wif words.. But nvr mind bcoz we just taste da same thing..
All r given by ALLAH..
Everything n anything.. Its life..
Beautiful/ugly.. Its life as well..
Describing da word 'life' will nver stop.. Till d end~
rara also ordinary person. well. hello dill :)
kite akan melalui learning process smpai akhir hayat ^_^
"My life's fabulous," Syrena teruja
pengalaman banyak mengajar :)
im speechless , haha
ahaks... kite pon banyak belajar dari die...
pengalaman tu penting
owh dunia... Belajarlah
saya juga bukan siapa2.. :)
children? bila masa plak nih? ke aku yg tak tau woihh? hahha hambek kau